Colby Moorberg, PhD
Associate Professor
Root Ecology & Hydropedology
2106 Throckmorton PSC
1712 Claflin St
Manhattan, KS 66506
Ph: 785-532-7207
Dr. Colby Moorberg grew up on a small family hog farm in northern Iowa. While growing up he was active in FFA and in sports, but it was duck hunting that set him on his career path in soil science. Wading through prairie pothole wetlands while waiting for the sun to rise sparked his academic interest in wetlands. That interest took Dr. Moorberg to Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa where he would receive his BS in Environmental Science.
While attending ISU, soil science soon became his favorite subject. He decided to pursue his soil science and wetland interests as a graduate student in the Department of Soil Science at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, North Carolina. There, his MS and PhD research focused on phosphorus dynamics in restored wetland soils in Carolina bay wetlands.
After completing his PhD, Dr. Moorberg began a postdoctoral appointment with the University of Washington Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. There his research focused on methane oxidation in the rhizospheres of wetlands plants in Alaskan boreal bogs and fens.
Dr. Moorberg joined the Kansas State University Department of Agronomy in January of 2015. His appointment is primarily teaching. Among other teaching responsibilities, he teaches the introductory soil science course, soil and water conservation, and coaches the K-State Soil Judging Team. He is also an advisor to the Wheat State Agronomy Club. In addition to teaching and advising activities, Dr. Moorberg leads the K-State Hydropedology and Root Ecology Laboratory, which studies the interactions of soil and roots in wetland, riparian, and agricultural ecosystems.
In his free time, Dr. Moorberg enjoys spending time with his family through bicycling, camping, hiking, hunting, fishing, and homebrewing, as well as cheering on his favorite college sports teams.