Doohong Min, PhD
Forage Systems
3016D Throckmorton PSC
1712 Claflin St
Manhattan, KS 66506
Ph: 785-532-2292
Dr. Min's main research area is alfalfa forage production and management. He is currently conducting USDA NIFA Alfalfa project focusing on low lignin alfalfa cutting management under different water stress levels.He is also conducting wheat-based cropping systems resarch focusing on forage domain as part of USDA SAS (Sustainable Agricultural Systems) projects. Dr. Min took a lead on the USAID SIIL (Sustainable Intensification Innovation Lab) phase I projects in Senegal and is currently the lead PI of the dual-purpose pearl millet-livestock-human nutrition integration phase II projects in Senegal and Niger. He is also involved with two other USAID Innovation Lab projects in Ethiopia and Senegal as a Co-PI (i.e., Livestock Systems and Legume Systems Innovation Labs).
- B.S. Dairy Science, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea
- M.S. Animal Science, Seoul National University, South Korea
- M.S. Plant Science, University of Alberta, Canada
- Ph.D. Agronomy, University of Maryland-College Park, USA
- Post Doc: Agronomy, University of Maryland-College Park, USA